Want Locally Grown Food? Doesn’t Get More Local Than This

aeroponic-presentation-13-638This supermarket grows its own produce on the store’s roof.  It claims to be the first of its kind, which it isn’t, but it’s a very cool idea.

In fact, one of the companies that I represent in my list of cleantech investment opportunities is an advanced concept in aeroponics (growing produce in a carefully controlled mixture of water, air, and minerals) sells directly to progressive supermarket chains, as well as through distribution.  There’s a lot to like with this technology, as it directly addresses several key issues facing society: locally grown foods, organic farming, world hunger, and scarcity of water in developing countries.

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2 comments on “Want Locally Grown Food? Doesn’t Get More Local Than This
  1. marcopolo says:


    And why not ? It’s a excellent idea, although you are correct not original, and pollution may be a problem. I can’t imagine it being very economic, but I would imagine it has great publicity value and could include more exotic plants to add value.

    Projects such as these won’t “save the planet” , but they increase awareness by small practical demonstrations of environmental progress.

    I presume the local city and county health administration and inspectors regularly analyze the produce for contaminants so health concerns should be a problem.

  2. This seems like a great idea. Apart from probably being fairly expensive to open, it seems like it will be a success. This is a great example of a green market. Hopefully, more stores like this open soon.