Environmental Consequences To Solar and Wind

12girls600.1Here’s an article that examines the consequences, both intended and unintended, that would result from switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy, i.e., how a mass deployment of renewable technology might affect the surrounding climate.

The author asks: “What if the Sahara desert was (sic) turned into a giant solar and wind farm, for instance?”

What the author should be asking first is: “how much solar and wind are required?” The answer is that a square of solar PV, 100 miles on a side, would power the entire continents of both Africa and Europe.  The Sahara is 355 times larger than that.

It’s not that there are zero environmental consequences to solar and wind, but they’re a cakewalk compared to fossil fuels.



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One comment on “Environmental Consequences To Solar and Wind
  1. A solar farm at the Sahara wouldn’t be such a bad idea. The only issue I can see would be overheating since there is nothing to cool it down.