Preserving a Clean Planet Now Seems Controversial, But When and How Did This Happen?

42467801_619512888443029_5924219949546471424_nAs the photo for my earlier piece, Maybe This Isn’t Really Happening, I used a piece from my favorite surrealist painter, Rene Magritte, but I thought I’d offer this companion post to show the meme that actually inspired me to write it.

The author nailed it: When did taking care of the planet become a controversial issue?

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One comment on “Preserving a Clean Planet Now Seems Controversial, But When and How Did This Happen?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Maybe Rene Magritte is an excellent choice for the nature of your inquiry.

    The Belgium artist is truly a great contributor to the Surreal art movement, but he was also a forger and criminal passing forged bank notes and falsified securities as part of a gang he organized.

    My point is, nothing has really changed, only your perception. People still want to leave a better world for the children, they just may not agree with your vision of how this is to be accomplished or even your vision of what constitutes a “better world”.

    Have you ever thought that when you advocate your vision of a better world with such certitude and conviction, you may have just started the ” partisan” process ?