Violence in America–What Brought Us To This?

39392736_653554795031580_5771305777935417344_nThere are Americans who think that our country’s on the right track, and that our president is making us great again.  There are Americans who think that the main threats against us are the 7000 Hondurans who are marching to our southern border, desperate to mop our floors, pick our strawberries, and mow our lawns.

Then there is the other 70% of our population, wondering how it’s possible that we arrived at the place described in this short but telling video.  Who would have known that having the President of the United States incite violence would have caused an increase of violence?


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One comment on “Violence in America–What Brought Us To This?
  1. marcopolo says:


    American society has always been violent, and more brutal than many other nations. The main difference has been the US had the best propaganda to convince the average middle class suburbanite everything was just ” peachy keen” !

    It’s just as wrong to blame President Trump for all the violence in America as it would be to hold Senator Bernie Saunders responsible for the murderous actions of his campaign worker who attacked GOP baseball players and police.

    Nor is Bernie Saunders’ responsible for the disgraceful call by a Democrat legislator for the president to be assassinated and his family brutally murdered.

    Attempting to make political capital out of these acts by deranged individuals, is disgraceful and counter-productive.

    As far as illegal migration, let’s not be coy, why not say what you really mean !?

    State it clearly. It’s very simple, either you believe in a controlled and orderly immigration policy or you believe in open borders. You can’t have both !

    Stop lying to yourself and others. Let’s be brutally honest. As you know perfectly well, any suggestion of “Open borders” would be electorally disastrous for the Democrats.

    There is no other method of stopping illegal migration but the deterrent of never, ever achieving the goal. Once it’s established illegal entry is almost impossible and detection means immediate incarceration and deportation, the business of people smuggling desists.

    Tougher border policies work.

    There can be no compromise. The only countries to deal successfully with illegal migration, have been those with hard, determined deterrence and no compromise responses.

    It takes courage to admit the truth. It takes even more courage to enact and enforce necessary policies with unpleasant aspects.