Mid-term Elections Might (Or Might Not) Change Everything

scottwagner1A full 40% of 2GreenEnergy readers live outside the U.S., and thus it’s possible that some aren’t aware that our mid-term elections here are tomorrow.  Normally, mid-terms are something of a snooze, but (I hope) that’s anything but the case this time around.

As suggested in the meme at left, Pennsylvanians get to decide if they want to be governed by a man who doesn’t possess a grammar school education in science. (Wagner’s other theory is that the warmth emitting from human bodies is causing global warming; that’s equally ridiculous.)

maxresdefault (5)As shown on the right, Georgians have the right to express their thoughts on the fact that racial hate crime is up 57% since Trump took office (photo taken at a rally last April).

Considering how degraded this country has become in just two years, it’s possible that no one cares at this point.  Again, I hope not.

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3 comments on “Mid-term Elections Might (Or Might Not) Change Everything
  1. marcopolo says:


    ” Racial hate crime has risen 57% since Trump took office”.

    Despite the emotive photo, this isn’t really true is it ? In fact, it’s only half of the figure of 2001-2004.

    The media report on which you are basing your claim on is very flawed and covers only 10 selected cities in the US.

    The report cobbles together a few facts, a lot of assertions (confusing ‘reports’ with verifiable statistics) and even then shows a four year increase trend (two years before Trump became a candidate).

    However, I do agree Pennsylvania is ill served in the choice of candidates for Governor.

    I would find it hard to vote for Scott Walker if I lived in Pennsylvania, despite the fact that on the occasions I have met with the candidates he has always been a charming and entertaining host. I have no doubt he’s honest and expresses deeply held convictions and in many ways is a highly intelligent individual.

    I just think the GOP could have found a better candidate to confront Governor Wolf who is one of America’s most impressive politicians.

    • craigshields says:

      Please Google “hate crime rise since trump.”

      • marcopolo says:


        Yes, I did, which is how I came by the original source of so many repeated media stories. It doesn’t matter how many times an article is repeated (although each time it gets a little more distorted), it doesn’t make the original any more valid !

        My description is correct and accurate, probably because I’m being objective not just eager to seek anti-Trump bias.

        Since the 2016 elections you don’t seem to read much past the headlines, blithely passing over the content. In this I don’t blame you, since the media has deteriorated over the last few years, abandoning any pretense of fair and objective reporting.

        Statistics like these are very subjective and difficult to quantify. The criteria of these reports is exceedingly dubious and lacking any real methodology.