Why White Women Like Trump

04dc-trumpwomen1-superJumbo-v2This post is for my wife, my daughter, and any other female who can’t understand why any woman of any age, race, IQ, or blood type would vote for Donald Trump. The author of this article has nailed it: it’s a vote for a man brave enough to stand up to progress, and who does everything in his power to bring back the lifestyle of the good ol’ days, featuring the dominance of white people, servile (or, better yet, absent) people with brown skin, homophobia, a small range of vaguely Christian values, and American aggression all over the globe.

That the president is a pathological liar and a disgusting human being is actually a plus, when all these things are taken into consideration.  No other type of person would or could take this country to that place (ca. 1950).

Actually, America in 1950 had a feature that is missing today: honesty.  The truth used to matter.  Trump supporters have made a silent but binding agreement to say good-bye to that.

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One comment on “Why White Women Like Trump
  1. marcopolo says:


    Do you ever think it may be the media who are dividing American political life ? All the media, including the outlets you support ?

    You call the President a “pathological liar and a disgusting human” while also accuse him of wishing to take America back to 1950.

    But how righteous is your indignation ? Aren’t you just as delusional as those you are accusing ?

    You write, “America in 1950 had a feature that is missing today: honesty.”. !

    Now you know that isn’t true, but just because it’s a silly lie, it doesn’t stop you lambasting Trump’s supports for doing exactly what you are doing yourself !

    1950’s America was a land steeped in dishonesty and deception. In 20 of the 48 states, despite the constitution, Jim Crow laws abounded. Lynching and segregation were the order of the day.

    McCarthyism was the fever that seized the land.

    The head of the FBI was a paranoid, closet homosexual who denied the mafia existed while accepting the praise of politicians and judges afraid of his blackmail files.

    The CIA was only three years old, but was already actively becoming proficient in destabilization, disinformation, assassination, and all matter of criminal activity.

    By 1950 the US IRS was a corrupt criminal organization that to cover it’s own sleaze, cooperated with the FBI and often unfairly audited and smeared civil rights leaders, members of the NAACP, and the American Communist Party and a host of political candidates on behalf of various Presidents, starting with Truman.

    Even TV quiz shows were rigged.

    The trials of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were so poorly conducted and the process so tainted they remain text books examples of constitutional abuse.

    Hollywood (and society in general) lied about Homosexual stars and homosexuality. American hospitals sterilized homosexuals or those considered sexually deviant.

    The film ” Refer Madness” was shown in schools, while doctors “recommended” smoking Chesterfield cigarettes.

    President Truman pardon several Democrat Congressmen with corruption convictions, including Andrew May.

    May was convicted for not only accepting and soliciting bribes from munitions and weapons manufactures, but as House Military Affairs Committee chairman during World War II he disclosed classified naval information resulting in the loss of 10 American submarines and 800 sailors!

    Sex scandals abounded but were always silenced by complicit police, politicians and FBI.

    The list could go on and on, the point is 1950’s American Society was not only steeped in dishonesty, but hypocrisy.

    Again I repeat, from Matthew 7:3-5;

    ” Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

    You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye”