Let’s Hope the White Supremacist Movement Is Waning

Peter-CvjetanovicThose who have never experienced an earthquake can only imagine how terrifying it is.  Yet the terror resides exclusively in the fact that, when the ground starts to shake, no one knows if it’s going to be a 4.5 (no damage) or a 9.0 and destroy half the state.  If one knew in advance that it was a 4.5, it would actually be enjoyable.  The chandeliers swing and water slops out of the pool; it’s vaguely like an amusement park ride.

The same is true with the white supremacist movement in the Unites States.  If it were guaranteed that this is just a passing fad and that all these subhumans would soon be laughed into irrelevance, this might be amusing.  Check out this video, which provides a bit on each of the eight congressional hopefuls, all campaigning on platforms of hatred of blacks, Jews, and Muslims, all running as Republicans, who all, thank God, lost in the midterms.

Yes, they lost, but they all won their respective Republican primaries.

As suggested in the meme above, their antics would be rather comical if it were preordained that this garbage would be over soon.

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One comment on “Let’s Hope the White Supremacist Movement Is Waning
  1. marcopolo says:


    I’m always amused by the irony of people who can condemn “white supremacists” while calling them “subhuman”!

    The US white supremacist movement is tiny and any influence it possesses is wildly exaggerated.

    Like it’s extreme left, loud, violent, counterpart Anti-Fa, without the hugely disproportionate publicity coverage of the antics of such misanthropes, these groups would virtually cease to exist.

    The claim that levels of melanin in skin tone determines the worth of a human being is absurd, unless the historical cultural connotations are factored into the situation.

    Humans were by nature tribal animals, seeking security as members of a like minded band. Even among humans of the same ethnicity we form deep bonds of loyalty to certain groups, sometimes as woeful as a being supporters of a particular football team !

    White supremacists are pathetic and in there more extreme versions such American ‘Nazi’s” , just woefully comic-tragic in their ignorance. However, labeling everyone who may share some of their less extreme concern as fellow travelers, is as bad as blaming Bernie Saunders for the equally deranged members of Anti-Fa and other lunatic fringe groups.

    I believe it’s important to condemn all hate groups, right or left as crazies, singling out one group while remaining silent about others, only breeds the kind of division and even vindication of the group being condemned.

    In his own clumsy way, that was the message President Trump tried to convey observing the incident at Charlottesville .

    Being selective when criticizing extremism, is often taken as an endorsement for an extremist faction where silence is equals consent.

    “Black Lives Matter” ! Yes but so do all lives. A black life is no more or less valuable than a the life of a while middle aged male, Asian female, Hispanic child, or police officer.

    Those violent leftist protestors who attacked Tucker Carson’s home,hoping to terrify and assault his wife and four children, were attacking the democratic process as much as any White Supremacist. The motives and the methods were the same.

    These extremists are the common enemy of all those who believe a civilized society. We are all to blame when we allow or excuse such behaviour, simply because the particular group may oppose those with whom we disagree.

    They are not common allies, but hyenas and jackals, side with them, and sooner or later as the Nationalist Conservatives found in 1934 Germany, you will be the next victim.