Surprise: Hate Crime on the Rise there more hate crime in America under Trump, or does it just seem that way? Maybe the media is just more interested in reporting it, perhaps to spur ratings with sensationalized garbage.

No, it’s not a figment of your imagination, at least according to the FBI, which reported a 17% spike in hate-fueled violence during the first year of the new administration.  

It would be hard to imagine that this would not be the case, given that the essential glue binding together our president with his base is hate and fear. A caravan of a few thousand impoverished and malnourished people seeking asylum and desperate to mow our lawns is described, based on exactly zero evidence, as a gang of dangerous criminals.  Voter fraud (which is almost nonexistent) is described as rampant.  White supremacists committing vehicular homicide are granted moral equivalence to the protesters they murder.  We’re told that (all 1.6 billion) Muslims are dangerous, though virtually the vast majority of these hate crimes are committed by white Americans who identify as Christians.

On a less dramatic note, environmentalists are called job-killers, even though, according to Forbes: In the United States, more people were employed in solar power last year than in generating electricity through coal, gas and oil energy combined. According to a new report from the U.S. Department of Energy, solar power employed 43 percent of the Electric Power Generation sector’s workforce in 2016, while fossil fuels combined accounted for just 22 percent. It’s a welcome statistic for those seeking to refute Donald Trump’s assertion that green energy projects are bad news for the American economy.

Enter The Truth

As I wrote yesterday, there is exactly one way for this country to get back on track towards decency, and that is to take a hold of the truth and understand the error of its ways.  Right now, a full 40% of American voters think that bigotry, hatred, and indifference to human suffering are actually “making America great again.” That’s just plain incorrect.
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4 comments on “Surprise: Hate Crime on the Rise
  1. marcopolo says:


    Once again you add to the “bigotry, hatred, and indifference to human suffering”, by branding anyone who dissents from your particular political ideology as the origin of all societies ills.

    I’m not sure what you mean by a time when “America was a leader in decency and a moral leader”.

    When was this golden age? Certainly not the your nominated 1950’s, nor any other era. As far as I can tell, this mythical period seems to be in your imagination and restricted to the four Carter years, and Obama’s eight year term.

    From the day he was elected the American left have waged an unrelenting war against the new President, refusing to accept his legitimacy to be President, not because of what he said or did, but because he wasn’t their idea of a President.

    The left’s hatred of Trump is not based on his abilities as President, but their belief that a President should be one of the elite, one of them. The viciousness and contempt for the ordinary American became apparent during the campaign when HC described the average American as “deplorables”.

    As far a huge surge in “hate crimes” , that’s also inaccurate. The lowest period since US reporting began in 1992, was 2014. (In 2001 the figure was double today’s figures) since 2015 the figure has been rising and is now about the same level as 2013.

    The good news is the figure remain relatively small accounting for only 6063 reported incidents. In addition, recent activism has redefined many crimes that were previously not attributed as “Hate Crimes” into this category.

    In 2014-5 the was a sudden drop in statistical “hate crimes” , possibly due to reporting errors (in 2014 only 1,776 of roughly 17,895 police agencies reported at least one hate crime).

    The rising trend may not exist and can be explained by many other factors than simply blaming President Trump.

    • craigshields says:

      You have a point that, in fact, America has never been a leader in decency and morality, but at least that was America’s brand until recently, at which point we gave up all pretense.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Sometimes it can be good to abandon a self-delusion. No one outside of America, and only a few within America ever thought of America as a leader in decency and morality.

    The delusion was always based on hypocrisy, that’s why as many people outside of America are finding President Trump refreshingly candid and pragmatic.

    America is facing challenges it can no longer ignore, in his ‘nationalism’, Trump is forcing the US to abandon hypocrisy and address the issues causing the decay of the US as a nation.

  3. marcopolo says:


    Today the Washington Post published an article by Sherrilyn Ifill titled “When Trump attacks one black woman, we all feel it”.

    The article claimed the president is a racist because of his treatment of black female journalists.

    Sherrilyn Ifill, president and director-counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, doesn’t seem to realize it’s her article that’s racist, not the President!

    If President Trump was only in conflict with black female journalists, she might have a point, but since the President has spats with journalists equally, regardless of colour or gender, it’s not he who is the racist, but Ms Ifill. It’s only Ms Ifill who makes distinctions based on race or gender.

    This sort of “positive” racism that unintentionally devalues genuine equality and tolerance, making hate crimes more likely, not less.