We’re Losing the Battle to Save Elephants

46352527_2367316953550484_7370012907540578304_nIt’s hard to look at the photo here and not be moved by these incredibly intelligent and sensitive creatures.  Wouldn’t you like to give them both a big hug?

But elephant numbers have dropped by 62% over the last decade, and they could be mostly extinct by the end of the next decade, largely due to the enormous profit earned by poachers selling ivory into Asian markets.

It’s long past time for an international ban on ivory trade.

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One comment on “We’re Losing the Battle to Save Elephants
  1. marcopolo says:


    Well said, very well said indeed !

    But let’s not be coy, by “Asia” you really mean the Peoples Republic of China which has recently lifted restrictions on importing Ivory, skins, bones and other body parts of exotic or endangered species.

    While an international ban might have some symbolic significance, it won’t stop poaching or reduce the trade to any major degree. Banning the drug trade hasn’t seen any major reduc5tion in drugs.

    Convince Asian’s an all people that owning or consuming bits of dead exotic fauna is unfashionable and even repulsive might be more effective.

    The use of drones is becoming an important weapon against poachers.