21st Century Boom Industries

fd8b4330763de1815863d89a4f7b5bbbAs we’ve often discussed here, cleantech is destined to be the defining industry of the 21st Century, not because of the wailing of environmentalists, but because of brute necessity.  As presented here, we’re in the process of losing most of south Florida to sea-level rise.  In particular, Miami is already experiencing 20 days of flooding per year; it’s considered the single most at-risk city on the globe.

But cleantech is only part of the picture; other sectors include business enterprises that have been in place for many centuries, like building seawalls.  We could collectively decide to stop burning fossil fuels entirely and immediately, and we’d still lose Miami without seawalls.

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One comment on “21st Century Boom Industries
  1. marcopolo says:


    There is good evidence to show it’s not a problem with rising sea levels, but natural coast line alterations which occur continuously.

    In fact, building sea walls etc can be part of the problem, Studies have shown large man made heavy structures prevent the ability of coast lines to replenish, rise and adjust. The desire of millions of humans to live on fragile structures like beaches, results in coast line compacting and erosion.