Improving Life on Earth

images (1)Dan Reese (then called “Danny”) was two years ahead of me at both our small, independent Quaker school in Philadelphia, and then at our small liberal arts college in Hartford, CT.  I had lost track of him for several decades until we came across one another on Facebook.

I was thrilled when I came to understand Dan’s life’s work, which, as far as I can discern, is delivering support to humanitarian causes: helping veterans, preventing slavery and the trafficking of children, etc.  Here’s a post that illustrates this, which is why I don’t buy seafood from Thailand; most of it is caught and processed with slave labor.  

I just wrote to Dan: You’ve certainly led an exemplary life in terms of humanitarianism and being on the right side of the issues we face as a civilization. I’ve very proud to know you.

Dan serves as a reminder to all of us how cool it is to leave this world in better condition than the way we find it.

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