Maybe We Should Consult Scientists on Matters of Science

47076751_2866007090076917_7697455016549810176_nThis is precisely what I’ve been saying since the opening posts here in 2009.  Having an opinion on a matter of science that conflicts with the findings of the scientists themselves is asinine.  It doesn’t matter what pastry chefs, professional basketball players or politicians think about climate change.

download (2)To put it another way, science doesn’t care what you believe.

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One comment on “Maybe We Should Consult Scientists on Matters of Science
  1. marcopolo says:


    Like all humans, scientists are not infallible, nor omnipotent. Few scientists I know wish to have the sort of deity-like power and authority you wish to bestow upon them.

    No one is questioning the right and even necessity of scientists to share and advise with the ‘laity’, the knowledge and conclusion of their research.

    However, which scientist and what to do with that knowledge is the question that must only be answered by the ordinary people through their elected representatives.

    It’s elected representatives who hold decision making power, and bear the responsibility of accountability not scientists, individually or collectively.

    Certainly not a group of “activist” scientists appointed or otherwise by group and advocates with vested interests.

    Everyone, even the most meagre citizen is entitled to hold an opinion on matters that affect that persons well being.

    (I realize that you believe an inferior class of sub-human deplorables exists who don’t deserve to share the same privileges as your elite class of obermench enlightened, but I do)