Move To Amend the U.S. Constitution

CitizensUnited012415As we enter the holiday season and begin to think about a new beginning for the New Year, maybe we should think about our country–in addition to our waist lines.  If that makes sense to you, and you’re tired of the corruptive influence of money in U.S. politics, keep in mind that the U.S. Supreme Court decision “Citizens United” lies at the core of corporate control of our legislative processes. Please help Move to Amend get all of us one step closer to real democracy; to the end of corporate rule and corruption. Please join me in donating today.

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One comment on “Move To Amend the U.S. Constitution
  1. marcopolo says:


    Let me see if I understand you correctly,…, you want me to give you money to help advance democracy by reducing the number of voices and viewpoints in the community to give and advantage to one particular grouping over others ?

    Hmmm…I just don’t quite get how restricting free speech for some, helps maintain the idea of “free speech for all” !

    What you really mean is, “Free Speech for my side” and if I still can’t win, then let’s change the rules to ensure only I can win.

    No thanks, we’ll pass…….