Young People Taking Charge

Greta-Thunberg-.2GreenEnergy super-supporter writes: 15-Year-Old Greta Thunberg Speaks Truth To Power In Katowice.

I know, right?  It’s wonderful to see young people so passionately involved, especially in today’s social climate where there is so much emphasis in looking like a fashion model, being stylish and cool, conspicuous consumption, and being popular.  Of course, young people have the most to lose, but it’s gratifying nonetheless.

I especially like Greta’s position, “We’re not here begging you to do your job; we tried that, and it didn’t work.  We’re here to announce that we’re bypassing you. Get out of the way.”

Right on, young lady.

One comment on “Young People Taking Charge
  1. marcopolo says:


    Awwwww, ain’t she so cute ?

    There’s a reason why we don’t allow 15 years old to decide public policy, drive, vote, legally have children, visit bars, contract debt, etc, and it’s because the are easily manipulated at that age, needing protection and guidance.

    Children between the ages of 12 and 16 lack the necessary perspective to make informed judgements. At this age they are most unacceptable to emotional enthusiasms, religious conversions, and other extremist behavior.

    Children of this age are easily manipulated, exploited and need to be protected from malign influences.

    I’m afraid young Greta Thunberg is being exploited just as cynically as any young “Red Pioneer”, Band of German Maidens,Komsomol, etc.

    This highly precocious teenager has been encouraged by the entire leftist media, and the totally irresponsible green=left to become a poster child for their publicity.

    Her leftist activist parents, opera singer mother and sometime actor father, have encouraged their unfortunate child who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, to break the law and skip school in favor of attending demonstrations for weeks on end.

    Europe has an old and sad history of “child activism”, just google “Children’s Crusades” and you’ll see what I mean.

    Like many teenage “celebrities” Greta is the victim of cruel and cynical exploitation.