Scientific American: Monumental Disaster at the Department of the Interior

zinke-investigation-640x320-1024x512Now we’re learning about what was happening at the U.S. Department of Interior (DoI) before Ryan Zinke was removed from the helm, and found himself the subject of a Justice Department investigation for violating federal laws that prohibit the use of federal office for self-enrichment.  Would it surprise you to know that there was suppression of science? Denial of climate change? The silencing and intimidation of staff?

Actually, it would be more surprising if these things weren’t happening, because the entire Trump administration has been so tenacious in hollowing out the workforces of the agencies charged with protecting American health, safety and natural resources.

Writing for Scientific American, Joel Clement writes: At the DoI, with its mission to conserve and manage America’s natural and cultural resources, the Trump administration’s political appointees are stumbling over one another to earn accolades for disabling agency operations. I should know; I was one of dozens of senior executives targeted by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke for reassignment in a staff purge just six months into the new administration.  From that day onward, Zinke and his political staff have consistently sidelined scientists and experts while handing the agency’s keys over to oil, gas and mining interests.

It’s very clear, even to Trump’s supporters, that this administration is teetering on the edge.  Yes, Trump is protected by a slim minority of senate Republicans who have the gumption of chipmunks and the ethics of used car salesmen.   But it’s this exact combination that’s going to cause them to jump ship the moment they see that they themselves are in the process of losing their jobs.

Trump will have their support–right up to the moment he doesn’t.

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