Plant Trees

54432738_2519774024718223_8785262119709835264_nHere’s a post with a dual purpose:

1) Planting trees really IS a fabulous way to sequester carbon.  Yes, the CO2 absorbed by most plants is released back to the atmosphere upon their demise, whether they’re eaten, burned, or they simply decay.  But since trees live decades/centuries, that provides a significant breather (pun intended) for our civilization to develop new ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2) I find any excuse possible to post the work of Maurizio Rega, shown here.  (He loves to paint trees.)


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One comment on “Plant Trees
  1. marcopolo says:

    Nice painting and nice sentiment, I love trees as much as any one else but how realistic is the your solution ?

    In reality it would take an awful lot of trees to be planted just to compensate to compensate for the daily mass destruction of vast swathes of Russian forests to make pellets to feed the insatiable appetite “renewable” energy (bio-mass) in Western Europe.

    Not every three is compatible or appropriate for every location. Diversity is important as is matching the right type of trees to the environment and existing flora and fauna.