Mueller Report: A Dark Day

windy-dark-dayIt’s safe to say that every single one of us who disapproves of Trump (55% of Americans and 72% of U.S. allies, among those expressing opinions) is saddened by the result of Robert Mueller’s inquiry into the president’s alleged conspiracy with Russia.  Sure, we’d all like to see the report itself, but the summary that has been offered must be at least somewhat accurate, or Mueller himself would be on camera correcting the misrepresentation.  

Of course, it remains possible that we’ll see, one day, Trump prosecuted for any of a wide array of other crimes.  Obstruction of justice is a possibility, but it’s most likely that he’ll be accused of felonies associated with finance: fraud associated with his non-profit, violations of the emoluments clause or campaign finance laws, etc., though, in all honesty, all this seems distant right this minute.

What’s worse is that Trump enjoys the support of most Republican voters and congresspeople.  Putting this into perspective, somewhere north of 40% of Americans believe that Trump, with his:

• looting the U.S. treasury on behalf of billionaires

• removing affordable healthcare from tens of millions

• destroying public education

• ruining the environment

• turning U.S. allies against us

• supporting white supremacy

• blocking common sense gun reform

• concocting a fake national emergency that, according to the commandant of the Marine Corps, puts  the lives of U.S. troops at risk

• coddling the world’s great fascist dictators

is all somehow making America great again.  Put in other words, as terrible as Trump is, he’s a symptom of a far deadlier disease.

I’d be lying if I represented this other than what it is: a dark day.

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One comment on “Mueller Report: A Dark Day
  1. marcopolo says:


    It’s only a dark day for those who mindlessly hate Trump and can’t admit they were wrong!

    Like the NYT, CNN and other leftist media, you are a just bad loser, who can’t bring yourself to apologize for all the ranting, abuse and certainty.

    It’s not a sad day for America, it a day for celebration ! This is, unless you are so selfish and unpatriotic that you would prefer the spectacle of a divided, weakened and crippled America locked in a never ending insanity of media frenzy and protracted constitutional crisis.

    Pretending the result is really different, or inventing desperate conspiracy theories, won’t help America or anyone.

    It’s time for you, all democrats, all those talking heads and especially the liberal press, to “man-up” and apologize for all the hysteria and abuse.

    The Ame4rican people will not respect an ongoing bitterly vindictive persecution of a President from people who can’t admit their own errors.

    Likewise, those GOP supporters who would now seek revenge on Hillary Clinton and her associates, should pause and reconsider.

    The US people are heartily sick of all the high drama and political infighting. What they now expect is the President, all legislators and the media, to pursue policies that are beneficial to the economy and voters.

    If the Democrats fail to produce realistic policies for the future, they will not be forgiven by the American people for a selfish, undignified, obsessive persecution of President Trump in prefernece for listening to the needs of the American voter.

    It’s time for you, and all leftists to abandon wild rhetoric and lies. Instead, it’s time to concentrate on matching the positive achievements of this administration while presenting better altenatives.

    President Trump is not:

    1) “A white supremacist”, this is just a lie invented by some of the liberal media because he doesn’t agree with their hyperbole.

    2)The President doesn’t “coddle” dictators or foreign heads of state. Strangely enough, he doesn’t see any value in abusing or lecturing Heads of State who are armed with Nuclear Arsenals. So far, his carrot and stick method has produced far greater success than the weak policies of his predecessors.

    3) Tax reform took time but is now boosting the US economy and for the first time in over 40 years, raising the employment and living standards of America’s working class. ” looting the U.S. treasury on behalf of billionaires” is a silly phrase, typical of the sort of mindless dumbing down rhetoric employed by no-socialists.

    4) President Trump has strengthened US Allies, while creating new allies.

    5)The President hasn’t ” blocked common sense gun reform’, that’s beyond the power of any President. The same criticism could be leveled against president Obama, equally unfairly.

    6) The President is probably wrong to attempt circumventing Congressional budgetary power. He is not wrong about his desire to solve the dire crisis on the Southern border.

    It’s not the business of a Marine General to make pronouncements on US foreign or domestic policy. The United States Constitution makes it very clear the Military is subject to civilian authority and is forbidden from political activity.

    However, it would appear that reports of Commandant Nellers remarks were neither public nor accurate. They are excerpts illegally obtained by the LA Times from rm stolen memo’s and used out of context.

    More “fake News”.

    Craig, while the Mueller inquiry was ongoing, your obsession at least had a grain of reason, but now it’s evident the whole thing was a concocted fiasco, surely you can let go all the exaggerations, unsubstantiated claims, rumors and conspiracies, along with all that obsessive rhetoric ?

    I hate to say this, but your obsession is becoming increasingly dishonest and delusional.

    Your credibility would be increased if you mentioned some of the President’s positive actions such as his support for free speech on US campuses. Or even if you joined the President’s concern about the $15 billion “Baltic” pipeline from Russia to Germany. (by-passing the existing pipeline through Ukraine).

    Why is this pipeline acceptable, but US pipelines “evil” ?

    The Baltic pipeline completely undermines NATO and yet, both France and Germany are eager investors in partnership with Putin and his political allies. (so much for “coddling” dictators)

    By being so selective in your criticism you appear mean-spirited, bigoted and disingenuous. I quite sure you are not wishing to be guilty of any of those flaws. I’m equally sure that’s not your character.

    Sadly, that’s the problem obsessive and tunnel visioned, it becomes attitudes. It becomes impossible to see the plank in your own eye for worrying about the mote in others.

    I think it’s time for everyone, especially American’s to take some time to reassess President trump, his strengths and accomplishments, as well as weakness and mistakes, in a more rational and objective atmosphere.