Bringing Back Child Labor? But He Looks Like Such a Kind Man.

UntitledWhen we look at current events, it may appear that there is literally no one even remotely connected with the Trump administration who isn’t completely insane. Though on closer inspection, there is clearly a method to the madness

Here, for example, centuries of evaluating human societies has taught us enabling families to focus on their children’s education results in generations of productive, affluent and happy people.  While it’s unclear that the administration is opposed to our productivity, affluence and happiness, they most certainly are doing everything in their power to ensure the poorest possible education for the common American.

Why?  Here’s a theory: Abundances of ignorance, hate, tribalism, indifference to the suffering of others, and the inability to see the difference between truth and lies are all absolutely essential to Trump’s political success, and every single one of these evaporates in the presence of a quality education.

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