Wishing You Success In All Your Endeavors

58462794_1207693259398382_8241154587248033792_nThe meme here makes a great point in a wonderfully artistic and exuberant way.  Yet, fortunately for the world, there are some people who “come alive” merely as the result of being given the opportunity to do some good in it.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my mother who at one time was, as mothers often do, expressing her concern that I might be unhappy, in this case because I was to wrapped up in depressing matters: irreparable environmental damage, ever-deepening social injustice, and the like.  I reassured here that I’ve never done anything in my life more pleasurable than helping to solve important problems.

Sure, I could sell insurance or real estate or farm equipment–and yes, these people are fulfilling useful purposes.  But finding and promoting ideas that transform a civilization is a deeply rewarding activity–and the more dire the problem, the more true that is.

In the words of this character from the movie Jerry Maguire (see clip below), “I’m wishing you my kind of success.”

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