Green Manufacturing Plan

shutterstock_1334068364Occasionally one hears that the two major parties in U.S. politics are essentially indistinguishable from one another, and in some areas that actually is true. For example, regardless of who’s elected president in 2020, the country will still have a huge military that is deployed with wanton aggression around the globe.

But this falls apart immediately when the environment is considered. Here’s Elizabeth Warren’s “green manufacturing plan.” You won’t find that coming from the Republicans, who are busy deregulating toxic chemicals, opening up wilderness for oil exploration and promoting climate change denial.

Of course, Warren is far to the left of mainstream Democrats, but she’s not alone in her big thinking on environmental issues–thus the healthy support for the Green New Deal.

Will be interesting to see how all this shakes out.

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One comment on “Green Manufacturing Plan
  1. marcopolo says:


    let me see if I understand you correctly. Are you suggesting America should de-militarize at a time when China is spend trillions on build a huge and well equipped military machine to intimidate its neighbors and bolster nationalistic pride ?

    Ah yes, Elizabeth Warren. Isn’t she the liar and perjurer who cheated to falsely gain financial and preferential benefits at the expense of the poor and underprivileged ?

    You have an interesting “moral compass” ! Or maybe two compasses, one for those with whom you agree and different one for those you dislike ?!