A Bit of Warmth from Santa Barbara, California

20190622_141437The sign here hasn’t tolerated Santa Barbara’s seaside weather too well; the top-most section in Spanish is mostly peeled away, and the bottom, in Arabic, is splashed with mud.  I present it nonetheless, to make the point that the people here tend to be kind and gentle, not to mention intelligent and well-educated.We also make a big deal out of the summer solstice.  There are over 1500 people actually in the annual parade shown here, and probably 4000 spectators.


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One comment on “A Bit of Warmth from Santa Barbara, California
  1. marcopolo says:


    “the people here tend to be kind and gentle, not to mention intelligent and well-educated”.

    Hmmmm,….or maybe just smug, self-righteous and self-entitled ?