Wonderful Infographic on Climate Change

Infographic-1-copy-1-800x470-cRight after the inception of 2GreenEnergy almost exactly 10 years ago, I made a few clean energy infographics and promoted them, especially for use in schools.

I never did one on climate change–and I’m glad I didn’t, now that I’ve seen this masterpiece.

It’s impossible to read this without learning a great deal about the important events in human history; that’s especially good for readers who like to play “Jeopardy!” (popular American TV game show) as they watch it at home.  Also, note the occasional use of humor, to keep it fun.

Now, in one integrated piece, we can see:

• Yes, the Earth’s temperature is always changing (though it’s been remarkably stable for the last 12,000 years).  There have been times when crocodiles swam above the Arctic Circle, other times that what is now Boston was covered in a mile-thick sheet of ice.

• For the first time in Earth’s history, its temperature has started to spike in an extremely short period of time (the last 100 years).

• This spike corresponds to the burning of fossil fuels and the concomitant spike in CO2 levels.

• The current path will be catastrophic for human civilization.

It’s also impossible to read this and not feel a sense that urgent action needs to be taken on a grand scale to prevent the mass suffering that is otherwise headed straight at us.

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