Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: The Climate Change “Debate”

2012-07-24-ap-greenland-meltsjpg-377353e40f16a9e8Question:  How much do each of the world’s five largest oil companies spend annually in sewing doubt about climate change into the public mind, and lobbying to prevent or at least delay legislation that would protect our planet from climate catastrophe?

Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

Relevance:  The appearance of a “debate” about the legitimacy of the theory of AGW (anthropogenic global warming) exists only outside the community of scientists who have spent their entire careers researching the subject.

In the  absence of their desperate (but surprisingly successful) attempts to obfuscate, not a germ of controversy would exist. The oil companies are working hard to bring this off, and they just might be successful.

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One comment on “Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: The Climate Change “Debate”
  1. marcopolo says:


    You increasingly live in a world of delusion.

    Oil companies exist not because of some clever sleight of hand or sinister propaganda, but because the world desperately needs and desires oil products.

    This is ably demonstrated by the immense good fortune for a teetering world economy which has withstood the effects of a prolonged Sino-American trade war, a twin oil disruption from Venezuela and now Saudi Arabia.

    These factors coming at a time of economic slow-down caused by Brexit and similar disruption are all being effectively countered by the President’s astute crisis management, long term strategy and good fortune of having a US economy buttressed by large domestic oil reserves at his disposal.

    Iranian-backed Houthi rebels now pose a significant risk to the world economy and along with their aggressive sponsor Iran, need elimination.

    The problems will only increase until effective counter measures can be implemented to negate the effectiveness of Drone technology.

    The US and entire world economy owes a great debt to Exxon and the other oil majors for investing in the advanced exploration, extraction and refining technologies that have produced massive oil and gas surpluses in the US and other locations.

    The recent crisis illustrates just how quickly and unpredictably the price of natural gas could become. For these reasons the US is wise to retain the option of deploying advanced Clean Coal projects to ensure low coat energy security.

    While you still fill your car with gasoline, you are in no position to bleat on about the evils of oil companies.

    If you, who live in the home state where Tesla manufactures, can’t make the personal commitment to to by an EV, your are hardly in a position to rant on about “evil” oil companies!