Tulsi Gabbard?

UntitledWhen I saw that 2GreenEnergy supporter Dr. Tom Konrad’s website AltEnergyStocks.com had published this piece endorsing Elizabeth Warren for president in 2020, I began this conversation:

Craig ShieldsWhat about Tulsi Gabbard?
Tom Konrad: I go into significant detail on my reasoning in the article. I did not mention Gabbard simply because polling shows she is not really a contender. Why do you ask?
Craig ShieldsI like her platform, and think she’d make a great president.. Of course, you’re talking to someone who would vote for his gardener if he were nominated to run against Trump. Great guy. Teaching me Spanish.
Tom Konrad: Your gardener has my vote, too.
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2 comments on “Tulsi Gabbard?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Good luck with endorsing Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

    Since the demise of Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren has become the front runner for increasingly desperate Democrats, who’ve given up on poor old Bernie.

    Where Donald J Trump is an ebullient character with a predilection for exaggeration and overly optimistic boasts, Warren is a never ending source on mean, serve serving little lies and deceits. She cheats in a mean-spirited secretive manner, never accepting responsibility for her transgressions.

    A basically dishonest and untrustworthy candidate, easily exposed.

    I’m surprised that neither ol’ Tom Konrad or yourself as you sat ’round the cracker barrel, were aware Tulsi Gabbard, while a fine candidate and worthy individual, is ineligible to run for President not having been born in the USA.

    Tulsi Gabbard was born in Samoa.

  2. Glenn Doty says:

    There is no requirement that a person be born in the U.S. to be president.

    The requirement is that they be born a U.S. citizen.. which EITHER means that one of their parents is a citizen when they are born, OR that they are born under U.S. sovereignty.

    In the last 3 presidential elections, the republicans have run 2 major candidates not born on U.S. soil. The party is well aware of the requirements of the constitution… even if some of their more uninformed or misinformed voters are unaware of what the constitution states.

    That said, Gabbard is not a viable candidate, because she is not receiving even 2% in most polls, much less the 3% required to participate in the November debate. She will not be a significant factor, likely ending her campaign with fewer than 5 delegates going into the national convention.