What Does Global Warming Look Like? Ask an Alaskan

hqdefault (3)Whether we’re talking about more frequent and intense wildfires, droughts, floods or windstorms, most Americans are already experiencing the results of climate change. But, since the arctic is warming at a far more rapid pace than the rest of the globe, Alaskans are getting hit hardest of allForests are on fire.  Ice is disappearing.  Coastlines are moving.  Fishermen who used to come home at night with boats full of salmon are now reporting that they’re lucky if they get any at all.

Sadly, our news cycles are so stuffed with breaking news about the meltdown of the U.S. federal government that it’s easy to lose track of the fact that we’re permanently disfiguring the place we call home.

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One comment on “What Does Global Warming Look Like? Ask an Alaskan
  1. marcopolo says:


    Are yes, an article from the leftist alarmist publication, the

    The “Grist” od course relies on really precise information and experts such as ” John Morris, a retired park ranger”.

    Sitting ’round the cracker barrel, old John agreed wheezily, that “things ain’t what they used to be when he was young”, adding “Fires like these are maybe “unusual” in mid August”.

    By cracky, when he was young, fisherman used to come home at night with boats full of salmon so big the were mistaken for whales!

    In fact, the arctic weather has always been changing throughout the long polar history.

    Only a few years ago, the “grist” portray cute young children distraught at the news Global warming as eliminating all the cute Polar Bears who were portrayed as standing forlornly on icebergs unable to reach the land so close and yet so far.

    The media picked up on the theme and even the UN weighed in condemning mankind’s cruelty.

    But it was all hysterical fake news! Polar bears can, and do swim vast distances, and the polar bear population is at the highest number ever in the history of the species !

    And so it goes,….