Energy Mix of 2050

71901619_122666785804504_6610566031368781824_nThis (larger version below) looks good until you understand that “all other fuels” will be rising all through this period.  Now, of course, to the extent to which this includes nuclear, that’s fine in terms of carbon, but if we’re burning more fossil fuels than we are now, this planet will be well on its way to an average temperature at which the level of human suffering will be unprecedented.  71901619_122666785804504_6610566031368781824_n

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2 comments on “Energy Mix of 2050
  1. marcopolo says:


    Woe unto us ! Alas, alack, break out the sackcloth and ashes! Doom doom, all is doom!

    Or maybe not! One of the most remarkable things about alarmists, is while passionate, they seem to do nothing of any practical value to aid the environment. (Voting for leftist parties. isn’t practical).

    Compare your average ardent, passionate advocate with their more conservative conservationist colleagues.

    Let’s take Craig, as an example;

    Craig is passionate, sincere, and a thoroughly convincing advocate who has dedicated a lot of time to advocacy. He spends considerable time driving or flying to attend conferences and similar events.

    Craig has been involved in numerous “environmental” projects, mostly involving a lot of taxpayer funding or regulatory compulsion.

    Craig, feels deeply frustrated and angered by the Trump administration because they don’t share his vision of reorganizing society and the economy to make Craig’s ideologically based projects acquire the illusion of working.

    On the other hand, there’s Elon Musk. Musk actually build things that benefit the environment.

    Also there are all those hundreds of scientists, researchers and engineers who have wrought amazing changes in the coal industry, by transitioning one of the most pollutant industries, into the most environmentally positive of all energy generating technologies.

    In my own humble way, I also attend environmental conferences. Unlike Craig, I don’t need to fill up at my local gas station as I mostly drive an EV.

    My projects are more humble and pragmatic, they don’t rely on government subsidies or taxpayer funding.

    But I can point to the success of my efforts in real, verifiable terms.

    Like Elon and those coal researchers, I am happy to respond to any rational critic. I fact, I welcome debate as a method of learning.

    I try hard to avoid emotive politically based dialogues as I know such dialogues inevitably become contentious monologues.

    Doomsday advocacy, is counter-productive and damages the credibility of more practical worthwhile environmental progress.

    (advocates who are inflexible and unwilling to debate, can be likened to members of a faith based group. “True believers’ inevitably grow isolated.

  2. soildus says:

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