Thorium: Coming Closer Every Day

Here’s a fabulous video in which the presenter offers a crash course on the particle physics associated with nuclear energy.  Once this is under our belts, we’re in a position to understand the value of thorium, and essential design of the liquid floride thorium reactor.

Many believe that nuclear energy will be a requirement if we are to decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors to a level necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change.  And of course, in addition to global warming, we have the lung damage occasioned by coal-fired power plants that kills far more people every month than have died in the entire history of nuclear accidents.

Those wishing to learn more about thorium-based nuclear energy can check out the chapter on the subject in my most recent book, “Bullish on Renewable Energy.”

The Thorium Alliance just held their annual conference a couple of weeks ago.  I’ve never attended this event, but that may change next year; this is really “heating up.” My brain will hurt by the time I check out of there, but that’s OK.

Enjoy the video:

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One comment on “Thorium: Coming Closer Every Day
  1. marcopolo says:


    Well done! At long last a positive practical post! I knew you could do it.

    The neglect of Thorium by the Obama administration was shameful.

    After making such a well received speech, applauded by both sides of Congress nothing happened except the gift of the technology to China and India.

    To be fair to Obama, for all his hopeful rhetoric, he was unable to overcome the enormous resistance to changing the onerous, antiquated laws and regulations governing the nuclear industry.

    The pressure came from everywhere, not just fossil fuels, anti-nuclear greens, civil servant bureaucrats,solar and wind industries and adherents, political allies, academics( mostly leftists) power utilities etc.

    Obama caved under the pressure and simply left it for another president to try and wrestle with the problem.

    The Trump administration hasn’t accepted the challenge either. President Trump doesn’t see energy security as high on his agenda. Right now the US economy is booming as a result of an oil an gas boom, and the President facing a hostile Congress has no political capacity for this sort of far reaching, very long term reform.

    (If President Trump campaigned for Thorium nuclear reactors, CNN would claim he wants to build more bombs, while the NYT would claims he wants to own a nuclear powered golf club in Russia) .

    But it’s a shame. If the US could get its act together, in one stroke, the US could lead the world by perfecting advanced nuclear thorium based energy design and adoption.

    It’s the the perfect solution for industrialized nations and developing nations.

    Unlike Uranium, thorium reactors can be built cheaply and relatively quickly.

    For nations like Australia, thorium power could solve problems such as drought, and the tyranny of vast distances and sparse population.