Expressing One’s Distaste for Trump

Tom Steyer writes, “Donald Trump is a failed businessman who lost over $1 billion while leaving behind a trail of bankruptcies and broken promises. Get one of Tom’s new bumper stickers for your car, laptop, or bike to let everyone know: Trump is a FRAUD and a FAILURE.” He’s asking for a $1 campaign contribution in exchange for the bumper sticker at left.”

Call me a coward, but I’d be frightened to drive (and especially to park and leave) a car that makes this statement in this little “God and country” part of otherwise quite liberal Santa Barbara Country, California.

It’s for this reason that I can’t understand the 100 decibel chorus of boos that greeted Trump at the World Series baseball game a couple of weeks ago.  I’d be terrified I’d get the shellac beaten out of me by some goon twice my size.

The pic at right shows my license plate frame.  Promoting public radio (NPR) is about as far as I’m willing to go.

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One comment on “Expressing One’s Distaste for Trump
  1. marcopolo says:


    “I’d be terrified I’d get the shellac beaten out of me by some goon twice my size”.

    But you cheered when a small, young Asian-American journalist got hospitalized by a mob of black clad, masked Anti-fa member chanting racial slogans, didn’t you ?

    Where was your liberal voice on “public radio” in support of Andy Ngo ?

    Speaking of poor ol’ Tom Steyer, I guess you don’t really run much risk of failure when you make billions investing in privately run prisons (Corrections Corporation of America) or Warren Buffets rail contracts while hosting anti-pipeline diners for Democrat governors and Presidents.

    Curiously, patriotic ol’ Tom seems to do a lot of business in tax havens, but I guess than goes with the territory if you are a hedge fund manager who mode hundreds of millions from funding coal company mergers and acquisitions.

    Now ol’ Tom is always bleating on about “getting money out of politics”. Very noble, ‘cept curiously, ol’ Tom may have another meaning altogether for this phrase! Certain of his investments seemed to prosper amazingly just after long meetings with VP Joe Biden and President Obama.

    A DoJ/IRS investigation into one of his companies disappeared after he made a $67 million donation to the Democrats, but it’s all probably just a coincidence.

    Recently, Mr “get money out of politics” took out $10 million dollars worth of advertising urging Congress to impeach President Trump.

    In 2016 Steyer raised $87 million for Hillary Clinton and later spent about $67 million of his personal fortune diring the 2014 midterm elections, but scored only a 40% success rate.

    If money could have won an election, then Hillary Clinton should have won by a landslide as she outspent Donald Trump by $12 to $1 !

    Poor ol’ Tom, his wife claims Tom always dreamed of being considered a “man of the people, living in the heart of the common man”.

    It must have come as quite a shock for him to discover that despite having democrat politicians at his beck and call, while trying to look like a Hollywood version of Woody Guthrie, the “common men” all left his party to join the party down the road being held by that crude, rude Donald Trump !

    Yeah, I can see how that would really hurt! Here’s poor ol’ Tom, who has worked so hard and spent so much cultivating all those leftist Californian intellectuals only to discover they’ve lost the working class to a man he despises.

    How bitter he must feel at Trump’s ease of communication with working class Americans, who obviously feel comfortable with his leadership. How angry ol’ Tom must feel to discover that despite all his careful studying and money, he’s not “where it’s at” !

    Poor old Tom, just when he thought he’d finally get picked for the team, they all started cheering for that New York, Golf playing, loud mouthed, Trump.

    Dumped again!