Yes, We’re Divided, and Yes, We’re Likely To Stay That Way

I’d love to believe what former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt says here about the future, but I actually don’t.  About 40% of American voters think that the present-day Republican platform is just fine.  Where is the mechanism by which this changes?

Newton’s first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.  Where’s this external force?

It’s certainly not coming from the left.  I may be informing readers on various aspects of science and technology, but I don’t delude myself into thinking that I’m changing anyone’s political philosophy.

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One comment on “Yes, We’re Divided, and Yes, We’re Likely To Stay That Way
  1. marcopolo says:


    “I don’t delude myself into thinking that I’m changing anyone’s political philosophy”.

    Then why bother? Why waste your time and credibility ranting about delusional political fantasies?

    The European Union is tearing itself apart trying to make an absurdly idealistic concept come into existence supported by no one except unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

    Why not channel all that “never Trump” energy into productive advocacy for all “clean technology”, (not just a few favorites) ?