Latest in the “Exxon Knew” Saga

A few years ago, we discovered that Big Oil knew that its product would cause catastrophic global warming as early as the late 1970s, that it had initially sought to morph their business models according, but the time the 1990s rolled around, they decided to deceive the outside world about the horrible truths their own scientists had discovered, and create a vast array of disinformation campaigns, making it impossible for our civilization to protect itself in time to prevent massive damage.

OK, that’s an accurate summary, but the internal workings of all this are far more twisted and  elaborate, based on a trove of documents gathered from ExxonMobil’s Canadian subsidiary Imperial Oil. I hope you’ll check this out.

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One comment on “Latest in the “Exxon Knew” Saga
  1. marcopolo says:


    What a bizarre conclusion. How is Exxon legally liable for some publicly distributed “discussion papers” 30 years ago?

    30 years ago, this information was hardly secret.

    Even if Exxon was totally convinced of the most extreme theories of ‘climate change’, so what? In most nations, including the US, the law required and still does, Exxon and other oil companies to manufacture and distribute petroleum and diesel.

    The whole idea that Exxon is responsible for your choice today to use gasoline, is dishonest!

    You buy gasoline as a choice! You could elect to buy a Tesla or similar EV, nut you don’t, instead you blame Exxon.

    No one is forced to buy Exxon shares, and I don’t see a rush of horrified shareholders eager to divest their shares. Those who do are quickly replaced by others eager to buy.

    The lawsuits are an exercise in political hypocrisy and pointless time-wasting. It’s the equivalent of pretending that manufactures of Whisky, Wine or Beer suppress the knowledge that too much alcohol consumption will cause intoxication, and in a percentage of case alcoholism!