Trump Appears To Have Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’

Earlier today we learned that the 169-page report issued by the House Judiciary Committee contains allegations that President Donald Trump committed criminal bribery and wire fraud, among “multiple federal crimes.”

From Politico: “Although President Trump’s actions need not rise to the level of a criminal violation to justify impeachment, his conduct here was criminal,” the panel’s Democrats argue, contending that the president “betrayed the people of this nation” and should be removed from office.

The word on the street, as I’m sure I’ll be reminded, is that Trump will be impeached in the House, acquitted in the senate, and then life will return to business as usual, not that there is anything whatsoever usual about Trump’s presidency.

Having said that, here are a few things to be considered.

• It appears that many Republican senators (maybe all) are refusing to adhere to the oath they took to be fair and impartial jurors in the case of impeachment.

• The evidence that Trump abused the powers of his office is overwhelming, regardless of how it’s viewed by the jellyfish in the Senate.

• With each passing day, there is more news about not only the Ukraine scandal, but the $2 million fine he paid for criminal activity regarding his charity, violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, and obstruction of justice.  The evidence here can’t lessen; it can only grow.  A lot can happen between now and the commencement of the trial in the Senate.

• It appears that there is growing resentment that, criminality notwithstanding, the President of the United States is a man of such terrible character.

• Lastly, as noted here, we have lots of jobs, but they are increasingly of low-quality, meaning that the working class Americans are not doing well at all financially.  It’s only a matter of time before the rank and file Trump supporter realizes that though the economy is great for wealthy people, it’s not at all good for the working class.

One thing is certain: Trump’s not going to take any of this lying down.  As he becomes more desperate it becomes increasingly clear that he’s capable of anything.  What that “anything” is, no one can guess, but look at it this way: he was a threat to national security before his presidency was put under pressure.



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One comment on “Trump Appears To Have Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’
  1. marcopolo says:


    You appear to be living in another dimension. Your world seems to consist of endless threat’s to national security, doomsday paranoia, economic catastrophe, high drama and hysteria!

    Back here on planet Earth, the President is largely ignoring the impeachment farce. President Trump is too busy pursuing policies that deliver real benefits to the American people.

    Current polling shows the number of those who agree with impeachment dropping dramatically.

    From a high when the Fox poll was announced of 53% approving, that figure has dropped to 39%. Based on an aggregate of all 12 major polls, the figure is currently only 42% with 49% disapproving of the proceedings.

    Even more telling is the number of Democrat voters who are increasingly opposed to impeachment.

    The economy for working class, blue collar Americans, has never been better, which probably accounts for the sizable increase in support for the President among Black and Hispanic voters.

    The people are grateful for employment. Unlike you, they are not too snobbish to consider and honest days work, “low quality”.

    It certainly accounts for the President’s comfortable polling lead over his three leading Democrat potential rivals.

    Whether you like it or not, any system of democratic representative government requires the losers in any election accept the legitimacy of winner.

    You can’t just refuse to cooperate or “resist” election results because you can’t get your own way.

    You must accept when a judge rules a violation is not criminal, but civil. You can’t just go on pretending the judge really meant differently.

    A report prepare by the President’s political enemies, is meaningless unless endorsed by an independent tribunal where due process can be guaranteed.

    The IG’s report was scathing concerning the integrity and credibility of House committee Chairman Nadler.

    As we enter 2020, it is the Democrats who are facing charges of corruption, fraud, hypocrisy and mendacity, not the President.