The U.S. Economy Not Thriving for the Common American

In this article: “Understanding The U.S. Economy: Lots Of Rotten Jobs,” the author explains why so many people have trouble finding work with decent pay and adequate predictable hours, given that the U.S. unemployment is at a 50-year low.

Dan Alpert, an investment banker and Cornell Law School professor points to a new economic indicator—the US Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI) and says,“The problem is that the quality of the stock of jobs on offer has been deteriorating for the last 30 years.”

As mentioned here, it’s only a matter of time before the rank and file Trump supporter realizes that though the economy is great for wealthy people, it’s not at all good for the working class.



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One comment on “The U.S. Economy Not Thriving for the Common American
  1. marcopolo says:


    What the authors of the JQI actually concluded was:

    “The quality of jobs today is as bad as it was in 2012 to 2016, but it’s much worse than it was in 1990s and the early 2000s. Overall, we are seeing a secular decline in job quality”.

    That would appear to make a nonsense of you claim that President Trump is somehow responsible for a lack of “good” employment.

    Where there was no jobs, there’s no growing employment and higher wages.

    The American working class has grown tired of your whining and fantasy, they elected a President who delivers and doesn’t talk down to them or call them “deplorables”.

    The UK political left just indulged in an orgy of self-indulgent socialist fantasy and smug conceit, only to be smashed in last weeks general election with the left vote dropping to the lowest level since 1935.

    The British people voted overwhelmingly for the new government led by PM Boris Johnson in a election where not only was the left completely routed, but all the conservative party “remain” rebels were also obliterated by candidates loyal to Boris Johnson.

    Nevertheless, the very next day after the election, a group of angry protestors gathered in London demanding the election result be overturned.

    The Guardian newspaper among other leftist media is already calling for Boris Johnson’s government not to be recognized as “truly legitimate” because he ‘tricked’ working class people.

    It appears in both the UK and America, the left believe “it’s only Democratic if the left win”, otherwise the left feel entitled to sabotage the national well being like petulant children.

    In the past this kind of sabotage worked, but just as in the US , the working class in the UK have found a new voice in Boris Johnson and he has five years and a huge majority.

    He will prove a far more formidable leader than the shattered left have ever encountered.