Providing Global Access to Electricity Provides Huge Opportunity

As shown below, there are approximately one billion people living without access to electricity.  That means no refrigeration, poor water quality, poor healthcare, and poor education.  In turn, that means a vicious cycle of disease and poverty.

As with all tragedies, therein lies an opportunity.  In this case, that’s microgrids powered by renewable energy, or, in other words, the possibility of bypassing fossil fuels altogether.


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One comment on “Providing Global Access to Electricity Provides Huge Opportunity
  1. marcopolo says:


    When will well meaning but completely ineffective western do-gooders stop interfering in the economic plight of developing nations?

    Pious words and sermonizing doesn’t help anyone.

    It should be mandatory for every American to read the 1958 novel, “The Ugly American” by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer.