In the U.S., It Was a Banner Day for Purposeful Environmental Destruction

Lots of news under the “reckless abandonment of environmental laws” heading today.

Earlier, we saw that our children face horrific health consequences from toxins that were banned under Obama, but re-approved for use as of today.  But what good is poisoning kids without adding to the frequency and scope of oil spills?

From this article:

The Trump administration was again accused of moving to attack the environment and wildlife in response to reports that the White House is moving to gut a five decade-old law referred to as the Magna Carta of environmental legislation.

The proposal targets the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which was signed in to law by President Richard Nixon on January 1, 1970. It requires federal agencies to identify and consider the environmental and climate impacts of proposed actions including federal permits for infrastructure projects such as pipelines, and gives the public a chance to weigh in on the proposals.

“It’s shameful that the Trump administration is ripping apart America’s cornerstone environmental law on its 50th anniversary,” said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity, in a statement Monday.


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