The Trump Administration Does NOT Hate Your Children, Per Se

From the Union of Concerned Scientists:  Years ago, the EPA determined that use of the popular pesticide should be banned. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the Trump administration’s first EPA chief, Scott Pruitt, to reverse the decision in 2017 – blatantly putting private interests over children’s health.

It would be be both unfair and incorrect to infer that the Trump administration is deliberately harming American children.  What is clear as crystal, however, that there are at least two priorities that far outweigh concern for our kids:

a) Destroying all elements of progress made during the Obama years, in every and all fields: environmental, world peace, human health, etc., and

b) Supporting corporate interests that bring in campaign contributions.

This is akin to the “Exxon Hates Your Children” video (see below) that came out in 2012. Exxon hates your kids? False. Exxon couldn’t care less about your kids?  You nailed it.


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One comment on “The Trump Administration Does NOT Hate Your Children, Per Se
  1. marcopolo says:


    Aw c’mon, what you really miss is the disappearance of all that excitement and propaganda of the Obama years when vast new bureaucracies were employed to enforce idealistic policies.

    Your “crusade” has fallen apart, not so much defeated but faded and ignored as followers lost interest and moved on.

    Exxon won and will continue to win it’s cases as even ardent anti-Exxon malcontents lose interest and municipalities try to explain to voters why they are left to pay hundreds of millions in legal fees.

    Repeating the old 2012 propaganda round the cracker barrel to remind you of the glory days is kinda sad.