Lest We Forget the Cruelties, the Crimes…..

IMO, one of the biggest reasons that Trump is still in office and is predicted to survive impeachment when the Senate trial finally rolls around is precisely this: we forget.  As presented here, this list of atrocities is so long, and the period of time before Trump commits his next one so brief, that no one can keep pace

The list was compiled before the midterm elections in 2018, meaning that it’s about twice as long today. Note: a) it’s huge, and b) it comes with its own “atrocity key.”

 – Sexual Misconduct & Harassment
 – White Supremacy
 – Public Statements / Tweets
 – Collusion with Russia & Obstruction of Justice
 – Trump Staff /Administration
 – Trump Family Business Dealings
 – Policy
 – Environment


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One comment on “Lest We Forget the Cruelties, the Crimes…..
  1. marcopolo says:


    Seriously? Is that all you have to offer? A long obsessive rant full of hatred, distortions, inaccuracies and just plain lies by two equally obsessed individuals.

    Obviously since the list covers some 196 individual rants, it would be absurd to demolish each in turn without taking up pages.

    However, I selected just one taken at random:

    No 78) ” – February 9, 2017 – When meeting with senators, Donald Trump addressed Democrats by saying that “Pocahontas is now the face of your party.” The racial epithet referenced Elizabeth Warren, who is of Native American ancestry.”

    Really? That’s it ? That’s your “atrocity” ?

    The President had every right to ridicule Elizabeth Warren’s fraudulent claim to be native American! She stole a place at university form a genuine student deserving of a place reserved for a person from a disadvantaged minority by her fraudulent claim!

    Not fiction, but fact! A fact she has been forced to admit!

    And somehow this lie, this despicable fraud, is the President’s fault for drawing attention to her deceit?

    C’mon, aren’t you just a little ashamed ? Or has your hatred of all things Trump so blunted your sense of decency that now anything goes……