On the EV Adoption Curve

Here’s a fabulous article that nails the seven most important reasons that the adoption curve of electric vehicles has been so unexciting.

A point I found interesting is “lack of clear superiority” (in terms of performance).  Yes, EVs have huge torque at zero RPMs, and thus make them faster than most motorcycles from a dead start, but what percent of American drivers have that at the top of their priority list?  The author contrasts this with smart vs. flip phones, where the former of which have a market share of over 80% due to their vast functionality, where EVs are running at about 2%.

Of course, the real failure here is one of understanding; the constant spewing of the oil companies’ propaganda has made it impossible for most people to see the urgency of replacing fossil fuels.  And don’t expect to hear anything on this from the auto dealers, who make it seem that EVs don’t even exist.

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One comment on “On the EV Adoption Curve
  1. marcopolo says:


    Ah! So that’s what in 10 years of preaching you haven’t bothered to buy an EV yourself….

    It’s all the fault of those wickedly evil oil companies brainwashing you with their propaganda! Oh, and let’s no forget those cunning car dealers who are also eager to deny selling you and EV.

    Poor ol’ Craig, if only Elon Musk and Nissan weren’t such shy retiring institutions! If only they publicized there products, just a little, or maybe if the government proved subsidies, why….if that was the case, you’d be driving an EV today!