Gun Rally at the Virginia Capitol: Where’s the Line?

Nice outfits, guys!  You with the gray scarf: Love the knee pads.

Seriously, a few thousand white nationalists and other cretins held a protest in Richmond, Virginia today, expressing their viewpoint that any gun laws, regardless of how minor, are tantamount to repealing the entirety of the Second Amendment.

Speaking of the U.S. Constitution, is brandishing weapons made for war, threatening violence in order to intimidate government, protected under the First Amendment? Where does peaceful assembly end and terrorism begin?


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2 comments on “Gun Rally at the Virginia Capitol: Where’s the Line?
  1. marcopolo says:


    I can see why you gave up earning a living in marketing!

    Labeling all gun enthusiasts exercising their democratic right to peacefully protest, as “white nationalists and cretins” isn’t a really effective opening line to start a dialog.

    But, then again, since you you have abandoned compromise and consideration for confrontation and abuse, it’s probably a more effective tactic if hatred and divisiveness is you objective.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Aw c’mon, do the right thing and apologize!

    The truth is the VCDL rally has had no “violent incidents” no “Nazis” no “White Supremacists” in the last 18 years the rally has been held.

    In fact, more than 30% of attendees were Asian or Black. (a higher demographic than the general population).

    C’mon, just once, apologize?