Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Continually Insists Trump’s Tax Cuts Will Pay for Themselves Despite Consistent Evidence To the Contrary

This article describes how the U.S. Treasury Secretary continues to insist Trump’s tax cuts aren’t blowing up the national debt, even though this is clearly untrue.  A couple of points:

This should come as a surprise to no one. It’s possible that this tactic of repeating a “big lie” came directly from the playbook of the Third Reich, as Joseph Goebbels is supposed to have said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”  In any case, there has been a great deal of scientific research done on this subject,  i.e., how repeated exposure to implausible statements makes them feel less so, as discussed in this piece in Scientific American, I Heard It Before, So It Must Be True.

Sorry to have to report it, but this is the way the entire federal government operates at this point.  According to the president, the common American is wealthier, has better job security, better access to education, drinks cleaner water, breathes healthier air, has children who are safer from gun violence, enjoys greater respect from those living abroad, has better health coverage, enjoys greater longevity, has freer and fairer elections, is safer from military invasion and para-military conflict, has a justice system that treats everyone more fairly, has the most racially unbiased president, lives in a country that is prudently investing more in technologies that are relevant to America’s future–all than at any time in the past.

Not a single one of these assertions is true. But, as usual, many Americans are incapable of getting this.

The national debt per capita (currently at $65,600) has risen more abruptly under Trump than at any time before; now that really is an all-time high.   Through all the smoke, mirrors, and utter lies, we’ve crippled our children with an enormous burden.


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One comment on “Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Continually Insists Trump’s Tax Cuts Will Pay for Themselves Despite Consistent Evidence To the Contrary
  1. marcopolo says:


    Why do you write this type of nonsense? It’s obvious the US economy is booming, with economic activity increasing at an unprecedented rate.

    Trump’s economic policies have been astonishingly successful. America is once again becoming a place attractive to investment and business. Lower taxes makes America more competitive as a place to invest and do business. This in turn creates more employment increasing the tax revenue, while reducing welfare spending.

    It’s this economic success that will see President Trump re-elected. The economy continues to grow, along with employment and real wage growth, despite being in the middle of a trade war.

    This year, as the Chinese governments buckles and makes further concessions the US economy will continue to grow in response.

    It’s true the national debt has risen, but a growing economy can afford more debt in order to undertake genuine economic reform.

    the average American may have some issues with President Trump, but his economic policies are not in contention. The average American knows they are better off.

    Your hysterical and nonsensical doomsday predictions, fail to resonate with the average American.
