The Borowitz Report: Trump’s attorneys claimed that the Constitution contains “no provision for removing a person from office when that person was installed there by a foreign power.”

It’s said that at the center of every good joke there is a core truth.  Here, as we see the Trump legal team struggling with one pathetic defense tactic after another, it appears that their answer lies in more excuses, not better ones.  It’s like, “We lose money on every sale, but we make it up on volume.”

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2 comments on “The Borowitz Report: Trump’s attorneys claimed that the Constitution contains “no provision for removing a person from office when that person was installed there by a foreign power.”
  1. marcopolo says:


    Since 2016 you haven’t been able to bring yourself to accept the result of 2016 Presidential election have you?

    You have tried to undermine, deny and pretend the legitimacy of the election in a childish refusal to abide by the electoral rules.

    It’s this intransigence and obsessive insanity that resulted int the hysterical Mueller Inquiry, and all the other extravagant claims and wildly sensationalist accusations, none of which have materialized to have substance.

    The current impeachment farce, is just another example of desperation, another cry of “wolf”, where no danger exists.

    The Constitution is quite clear. Only the President has the power to conduct foreign affairs, not unelected officials, not Congress, not the media, only the President.

    The President may quite constitutionally ask a foreign nation to investigate the actions of a US national if he believes that national is conducting corrupt or illegal behavior abroad.

    The US constitution provides no immunity from investigation for persons running for office, and even less for their relatives.

    Although the Constitution is silent on the issue, you would think those five Democrat Senators running as Presidential candidates would exempt themselves as “jurors” for reasons of obvious self interest.

    As the poll number show, since the beginning of this process the support for impeachment has been dropping dramatically and the President’s support has risen.

    The desperate House Democrats have weakened the US system by invoking an extreme measure that intended to be used only in rare and extreme circumstances, for opportunistic motives.

    The impeachment of Clinton was an inappropriate misuse of Congressional power.(but at least that travesty had the virtue of bi-partisan support). Likewise, this farce will achieve nothing but trivialize the process of impeachment from an extreme measure to a mere political weapon.

  2. marcopolo says:


    The Democrat’s have become simply the anti-Trump party. This is the underlying political strength of this President, he is able to transform every political discussion to be about him.

    Destroying this President is the only narrative of the left.

    This was exhibited in the endless obsession about the President’s unfitness to hold office.

    And oh boy, didn’t the elitist left go crazy! The level of histrionics and wild claims, began with everyone announcing the were “leaving America”. (none actually left).

    Media abuse and invective has been unprecedented, multiplied by the growth in social media.

    The Left has ignored the implosion of the ‘collusion’ drama by Robert Mueller’s “dream team,” and spending $47 million only to exonerate the President.

    The left refused to accept Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz finding no justification of “collusion” in the Steele dossier to justify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants it issued to spy on Carter Page.

    Both the Mueller and Horowitz investigations confirmed that even the partisan and warped FBI “Crossfire Hurricane” intrigues could find no Russian-Trump collusion.

    And yet the House impeachment managers cannot finish a sentence without exclaiming “Russian collusion,” as if it has now transmogrified into some exotic foundational myth.

    No sooner had Mueller found no collusion between Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Kremlin and no actionable obstruction than the left transformed the attack into “Ukrainian quid pro quo” albeit after brief detours in “Recession!” and “Racism!”

    The Left is hooked on Trump and cannot quit him, he gives them their only political relevance.

    In truth, impeachment started the very week Donald Trump was inaugurated. Articles of impeachment introduced in the House of Representatives by 58 Democrats. Between 2017 and 2019, one effort to remove Trump or members of his administration before the 2020 election.

    Reason, logic, moderation, and common sense have all vanished, replaced by a shrill directive that Trump was evil and thus his administration had to be aborted by any means possible.

    Frustrated Democrats have sought to remove Trump as mentally unfit under the 25th Amendment. Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein admitted conspiring to enlist cabinet members to declare him insane.

    Some Ivy-League “expert” was called upon to declare the President as crazy in absentia !

    Throughout the first three years, various characters, such as the now-indicted Michael Avenatti and now-jailed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, swore Trump had broken various laws and should be removed from office. Recently indicted Lev Parnas now takes their place as the Democrats’ latest liar.

    Such an obsession with scandal has weakened, not the President, who appears to revel in such hysteria, but his opponents.

    Far more sinister is a group of civil servants and office holders who remain loyal to the previous administration.

    The renegades openly boast of being the “Resistance from Within”. The Washington elite, federal bureaucrats,and Obama loyalists have taken it upon themselves to usurp the President, sabotage his policies and “leak’ information to allies in the media.

    Former Obama official Rosa Brooks even went so far as to write an article discussing ways to remove Trump, including by a military coup! An anonymous administration official, New York Times operative, wrote a book bragging that he was one of many officials in the executive branch trying to disrupt the operation of the administration.

    Several tell-all accounts from former Trump appointees, muckrakers, and Washington insider journalists variously alleged that Trump and his family were either criminally minded or unhinged.

    A “whistleblower” worked with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to lodge a complaint against Trump, alleging second-hand knowledge of a Trump phone call, purportedly leveraging Ukrainian help in investigating supposed Hunter Biden corruption to release U.S. aid.

    The whistleblower now is mute and supposedly remains anonymous because if he were to identify himself and testify under oath, his motivations, activism, and prior relationships with Schiff and Joe Biden would transmogrify him from a cult hero into a conniving anti-Trump activist.

    These people are not the heroes the left portrays’ but enemies of democracy and democratic institutions. Their activities are borderline (and sometimes outright) sedition.

    The left remain baffled by how radically the game has changed from the sort of cozy elitist political thinking of the last 30 years.

    Trump is not a traditional Republican. Accordingly, the the Democrats are bewildered as how to oppose him.

    Trump rally audiences comprise about 40% independents and Democrats. His trade war with China is about saving manufacturing industries, blue-collar jobs, and the industrial heartland. This was also the heartland of the old Democratic Party.

    The supposedly racist Trump appeals to minorities in a way that previous Republican candidates have not, and in ways that transcend his record.

    For all his loudness and invective, Trump is perceived as authentic. He’s not condescending. The thought of Trump rolling his r’s or adopting a Hillary or Joe Biden inner-city patois is absurd. Being rough and genuine is seen as preferable to smooth and fake.

    So what happens in the never-ending impeachment story, once the current impeachment indictment leads to an inevitable Senate vote of exoneration?

    Where will the Democrat-left go then?

    Another Stormy somewhere? A follow-up to Operation Crossfire Hurricane? Tax returns redux? Whistleblower 2.0? Another New York Times anonymous op-ed resister? Bob Woodward’s sequel? More leaked phone calls? Another impeachment hearing, and another impeachment vote? Schiff’s new version of a presidential call?

    Perhaps another whack-o psychiatrist, with another long distance diagnosis ?

    This addition to scandalous political psychodramas are the symptoms of of the mental deterioration of the “never Trumpers).

    The Democratic Party is currently struggling with the weakest field of candidates since 1972 or 1984. Even worse, the Democratic agenda is weaker even than the unlucky candidate who will be expected campaign on it.

    The focus on obsessive anti-Trump madness has destroyed objective analysis and left the democrats unable and unwilling to live with reality.