Reagan in 1964: Socialism Is Coming for Your Business

Whenever I come across things like this video, I wonder: a) Do this guy and I actually live in the same country? and b) Has the person making this assertion ever run so much as a lemonade stand?  Reagan claims that a “little intellectual elite” in Washington D.C. thinks it “can plan our lives better than we can ourselves,” and that government “has the power of life and death” over our enterprises.

Seriously?  This isn’t Russia, China, or North Korea.  The business I ran for 25 years had 110 employees at one point.  I didn’t commit crimes, and as a result, I never heard a peep from anyone in any level of government.  The idea of receiving orders from some government entity as to how to run my company’s operations is ludicrous.

If anyone has had a different experience, I’d be fascinated to hear about.

What I suspect is happening here is what Truman explained in 1952:


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