Return To Normalcy? Why?

There is a great deal of sentiment being expressed right now to the effect that the extreme stresses our society is facing can be used as springboard to launch a new and better civilization–and it’s quite gratifying to see.

In and among all our clamoring to “return to normalcy” are voices that are saying, “We don’t want normalcy.  That’s what got us here in the first place.  We want a brotherhood of humankind, one of peace, of compassion, of justice for all.”

We don’t want police killing unarmed black men, environmental degradation, our educational system destroyed, a sociopathic president, tens of millions of people kicked off healthcare, or a pandemic raging out of control because we don’t have the spirit of community required to stamp it out.

We can, indeed, become a better people, and this is an exciting opportunity to make that happen.

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