Trump Losing Support Among the Elderly

Old white people, i.e., those who were young white people in the first half of the 20th Century, grew up in a time when overt racism was the norm, and it’s for this reason that most of us forgive them for not shaking off these values of hatred and exclusion.  Yet we encounter many old white folks who either never bought into racist views in the first place, or shed them at a certain point along the way, as their lived experiences made them more enlightened, more gracious people.

We have to smile at the nonagenarian in the pic here.  Who knows her reasoning behind her conclusion that Trump is the worst of the 17 presidents she’s seen; maybe his racism wasn’t a huge factor.  In any case, it’s cool that she’s expressing her viewpoint, and that she’s on the right side of the issues.

Trump is losing the support of the elderly, and one would suspect that this is really rattling his cage, especially because it raises the question: Who’s left?  Certainly not blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, young people, or those with college educations.  It’s a dwindling core of under-educated working class white people, predominantly males, along with a small number of amoral rich people.

But even the super-wealthy are aware of the immeasurable harm that Trump is inflicting on the reputation of the U.S. stage, where we’re viewed as a pathetic bunch of spoiled, diseased bigots.  They can also see the danger he represents to the entire world as his desperation surrounding his re-election grows stronger with each passing day.

Ma’am: May good health be with you; we’ll need you on November 3rd, and, Deo volente, in 2024 as well.

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