What If My Conspiracy Theory Friend Is Right?

We all like to think that we’re objective and rational in our thinking, and that, if we were presented with sufficient evidence, we’d change even our most entrenched beliefs and admit that we’d been buffaloed.  We like to think that we would put truth above our pride, regardless of how publicly humiliated we’d be in such a case.

All that said, I will say here and now that it would be very hard for me to acknowledge that I was wrong about the president and his administration, and admit that:

• Trump is actually an honest, hardworking, and competent servant of the American people.

• He was unfairly hounded throughout the entirety of his term in office by the would-be socialists and the liberal media that were singularly focused on removing him from office.

• Trump’s tenure in office was made even more difficult by Washington insiders, aka the Deep State, who made it their life’s work to drive Trump from office.

• All the intellectuals I admire: David Brooks, Noam Chomsky, Terry Gross, Paul Krugman, Andy Borowitz, David Suzuki, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ken Burns, Jane Goodall, David Attenborough, Garrison Keillor, Bill Gates, David Remnick, Carl Bernstein, Bill McKibben, Paul Hawken, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, George Will, Richard Painter, Jared Diamond, Steve Schmidt, Robert Reich, Stephen King, Naomi Klein, David Frum, Rachel Maddow, all the university presidents, the top retired military personnel, the leaders of most of the developed world’s nations–all these people, like me, have been misled, and that the guy pictured here was correct all the way along.

Yes, I’d find that a stunningly tough admission to make, indeed.


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