Biden To Be Removed “One Way or the Other”–What This Means

Our new world, one that features mass adoption of conspiracy theories, forces us to consider many things for the first time.  Perhaps the single most important of these is law enforcement in a society in which tens of millions of people are being called to violence by people they trust.  Sure, there is the U.S. president encouraging the Proud Boys, but there also thugs in lesser positions, e.g., the white supremacist/terrorist shown here.

Where does free speech end and criminal incitement begin?  It’s a question for people with a higher pay-grade than mine, i.e., prosecuting attorneys who specialize in this area of the law.  I don’t envy them; this seems to be a very tight line to walk.

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One comment on “Biden To Be Removed “One Way or the Other”–What This Means
  1. Aries says:

    Great post. Looking forward to your continuous update.