Texas Governor Lies About Cause of Energy Debacle, Pays Price

Texas governor Greg Abbott concocted a grossly erroneous explanation of his state’s energy debacle, blaming wind energy and the “Green New Deal” for the costly tragedy. When the audience at Fox News ate it up with a spoon, mainstream media which immediately handed him his head, as exemplified in this interview he foolishly signed up for with CNN’s Brianna Keilar.

In response to all this drama, a reader suggests, “The governor of Texas is a GOP nitwit. He must have gotten hit in the head by a bull.”

Abbott may not be the most savvy guy on Earth, but he’s anything but an idiot. My guess is that he thinks his constituents are so ignorant of the Texas energy infrastructure that they would swallow without question anything he told them.  He probably figured: the people who really understand this stuff and would challenge my BS really aren’t my folks anyway; my voters live in a bubble of extreme right-wing media sources, which have already shown their acceptance of the lies I’ve told.


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