Pope Francis Declares Evolution and Big Bang Theory Are Real and God Is Not a ‘Magician with a Magic Wand’

The post title above comes from this article, which is certainly interesting, though it seems to raise more questions than it answers.  It appears the Pontiff believes that God created evolution and Big Bang, but in a way that isn’t magic.  That doesn’t elucidate too much, for me at least.

In any case, taking theological steps like this one is going to become more important as time goes on, and the hard scientific evidence of cosmology and biology continues to grow stronger and harder to refute.  If theistic religion is to remain a part of human culture, concessions like these are going to be necessary.

Of course, one could ask: if God created the Big Bang, how different is this from saying the Big Bang simply happened in some way that humankind can never comprehend, and simply remove God from the equation altogether?

Questions like these are above my pay grade.

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