Humankind’s Response to Climate Catastrope

Not sure what to make of someone who calls herself a “polyamorous tantric sex guru,” but she certainly has nailed it here, as we’ve often discussed.  The more severe conditions get on this planet as a result of its warming, the more pain will be felt by the people living on it.  But that pain will be distributed quite unevenly, and, in fact, unfairly, with the people who had no role in causing the suffering experiencing it the most.

What are we going to do with, perhaps one hundred million “climate refugees?”  Rich people don’t know, nor do they care, as long as law enforcement can keep them far, far away from them. Regardless of how horrific things get here, there will always be juicy steaks, fine cars, yachts the size of small cities, and sexy members of the opposite gender to enjoy.

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