ExxonMobil’s Aggressive PR Campaign To Deal with Its Horrific, Though Well Deserved Reputation

From 350.orgEnergy giant ExxonMobile is spending a fortune on social media advertising in attempts to greenwash their reputation, and they are directly targeting climate activists and organizations. While one of the biggest polluters the world has ever known is spending millions on marketing campaigns to improve their image, 350.org is working to cut off the finance flows to the fossil fuel industry that enable them to buy off our government and shirk their responsibility to the planet. Will you make a small contribution to help us keep up in the fight?

I’m not sure their money is being well spent if it’s being focused on people like me, those who use their blogging resources to alert others re: the truth, i.e., Exxon’s vigorous efforts to deceive the citizens of Earth vis-a-vis their role in broiling the planet.

Anyone who believes that Exxon is honestly trying to decarbonize the planet’s energy is a dolt, as memorialized in this video.

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