The Long Arm of the Law Is Pursuing Fossil Fuel Companies

Energy consultant and 2GreenEnergy supporter Gary Tulie reports from his home in Buckinghamshire, England (see pic):  A rising tide of legal cases, and shareholder action is putting increasing pressure on fossil fuel companies to actively work on reducing their climate changing impacts

Could this be the beginning of the end for Big Oil?  Indeed.  And keep in mind that legal pressures are only one of the many vectors putting the squeeze on.

Another is divestment, the constant offloading of equity positions in these firms.  More sellers than buyers means lower stock prices and higher costs of capital for new projects.

On top of that, they have abominable public relations.  People really don’t like to be lied to, and it’s abundantly clear that the ExxonMobils of the world have been feeding the policy-makers, the public, and especially the scientific community a steady stream of bald-faced lies regarding the impact of fossil fuel consumption and the warming of the planet.

All this is taking place concurrently with amazing improvements in the renewable energy space: plummeting prices, improved efficiencies, and now, affordable energy storage.

So yes, this is the beginning of the end.


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